Mt Jackson Gold Prospecting
Mt Jackson goldfields is in the Yilgarn, 70 kilometres north-north-west of Koolyanobbing and adjacent to the Mount Manning Range Nature Reserve.
Gold was discovered in 1894 and a few small mines were developed shortly after.
The reefs were small, some rich, all at a shallow depth. A lack of water and battery facilities hampered development, and no mine was large enough to warrant the investment to resolve the issues. Little of the ore raised was actually crushed, and gold obtained. The goldfield slowly died. It revived briefly during the Bullfinch speculation bubble in 1910-1911, but after that it reverted to a prospecting area. More information.
The Club’s Mount Jackson Gold Prospecting Trip in July 2020 covered a lot of territory. No gold was found but plenty of places were visited, sights seen, adventures experienced, and good company enjoyed.